Become a Partner in HOPE for Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina! image

Become a Partner in HOPE for Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Jericho strives to meet marginalized youth's physical, emotional, spiritual, and educational needs through our programs for their personal growth and life-long success.


Hope Starts Here...

We believe that educated, empowered, equipped, and impassioned youth are the only ones who can make lasting changes in their country. Building into the lives of these youth is an investment in the next generation of leaders in BiH.

Our Mission: To restore hope in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one student at a time.

Our Vision: Jericho sees a future in Bosnia and Herzegovina led by ethical, educated, and passionate individuals.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, formerly a part of Yugoslavia, is experiencing ongoing economic hardship. After years of civil war and the destruction of infrastructure, BiH needs a light. The people of BiH feel forgotten, and the country is now ranked the 5th poorest in Europe.

The future is in the hands of the youth; they offer new perspectives, innovation, and a heart to move beyond the divisions of generations before them. Their potential drives our mission.